studio information


Sundays – 9:00 am

Tuesdays – 7:00 pm


Please Call or Email to Schedule:
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Read About Our

Class Rates


Our Studio

Located in Ridgewood, New Jersey, Mankind Pilates offers high-quality, personalized classical Pilates instruction at every fitness level. The newly renovated studio is fully equipped with classical apparatus including Reformers, Wall unit towers, Arm Chair, Wunda chair, Pedi-Pole, Spine Correctors, Foot Corrector/Toe Corrector and Ladder Barrel.  The studio’s environment is professional, motivating and supportive.

Please Note

During this time, for safety reasons, two people will be allowed in the studio for the mat classes, while the rest of the class participants join virtually.

Session & Package


10-Class Package

Package of 10 private sessions

Single duet session (per client)

Package of 10 duet sessions (per client)

Please Note

All packages have expiration dates.
A 24-hour cancellation policy applies.
See our Policies Page for full details.
All classes are 55 minutes long.

All Level

Group Classes

Learn the classical mat exercises in a small and supportive class atmosphere. Build on those exercises to incorporate more into your workout. Work on strengthening your posture, as well as your “powerhouse”. Increase flexibility and bring balance to your overall alignment and musculature. Classes will sometimes incorporate various “props” to assist and resist!


Group Classes

At long last, a mat class to focus on what gentlemen need most from the Pilates Method! Ease back pain, strengthen the powerhouse, stretch tight hamstrings, perfect posture and tech neck – this class address all for the male body!

Private & Semi-Private


All sessions are 55 minutes. Private sessions are advisable for individuals beginning Pilates training. Working one-on-one with Kristin, you will receive the full benefit of Pilates with faster results, as all sessions are customized to your needs. You will explore working on all of the apparatus, in addition to some mat work. Semi-private sessions (or otherwise known as ``duets``) are similar to privates, but are shared between two students of similar health and ability. Work is done on the apparatus, as well as the mat.



It is never too late to learn Pilates and reap its benefits – even while pregnant. Kristin’s expertise teaches the proper modifications and alternate exercises that safely challenge the ever-changing body during pregnancy. Pilates provides the body with the deep conditioning needed for the rigors of labor and a smooth delivery. Through Pilates-based exercises and stretches, you will tap into the power of your own breath and strength. A safe Pilates practice can help soften and open the body and mind to facilitate the natural birth process.

"It’s the mind itself which shapes the body.”

- Joseph Pilates



Mat Classes

No mat classes are scheduled at this time.

Bookings & Reservations

All pilates lessons, including privates and classes, may be
booked via our online booking system:

For questions or special requests, please contact me directly:
Reach Me By Phone
Send Me An Email